Movie and Game Night

Troop 93B and 93G Movie and Game Night

Instead of a campout in December, Troop 93B & 93G have an indoor movie and game night at Southgate Methodist Church.

We invite Webelos, AOL's and those interested in joining scout BSA to visit one of our troops favorite nights of the year. Just click on the button below to be taken to the sign up page.

Saturday December 9, 2023
6pm - 11pm

South Gate United Methodist Church

3500 Pioneers Blvd 

Lincoln NE

We will start off watching a PG movie voted on by the two troops scouts), along with pizza, snacks and drinks. Following this we will be watching a 100 year old 8 minute silent movie. The scouts will then get to choose between watching a second PG movie or moving to a different room to play board and card games. If you can notvsty the whole time, that is ok, come when you can and leave when you need to. Please let us know when you get there if you have food allergies as we will order pizza around 6:30.