Troop 93B and Troop 93G
Scouts BSA Troops for young men and women chartered by Friends of Troop 93 in Lincoln, NE
We meet weekly at Southgate United Methodist Church, 3500 Pioneers Blvd, Lincoln, NE
Troop 93B
Scouts BSA Troop 93 was charted by South Gate United Methodist Church in 1967. Troop meetings are held on Mondays nights from 7:00 p.m to 8:30 p.m. at the church which is located at 3500 Pioneers Blvd.
The Troop's mission is to build character and develop leadership skills in young men by promoting the ideals of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. The Troop Committee strives to balance community service, outdoor activities and rank advancement in the pursuit of its mission. Eighty-two (82) Scouts from the Troop have earned the rank of Eagle.
The Troop utilizes the patrol method and relies on youth leaders to carry out its activities.
Troop 93G
Scouts BSA Troop 93G was chartered by South Gate United Methodist Church in 2019. This is an all-girl unit that is a separate unit from Troop 93B, but coordinates a majority of activities with the boys unit and shares several leaders with the boys unit.
Troop 93G had its first Eagle Scout in 2022.
Troop meetings are held on Mondays nights from 7:00 p.m to 8:30 p.m. at the church which is located at 3500 Pioneers Blvd.
Troop 93 is hosting a Webelos and AOL Academy on November 16th from 8:30am-1pm. Cost: $15/scout
Troop and Council Calendar
Troop events are dark blue; Council events are in gold; Holidays are dark gray